Inspiring books from the Aquarian Age

We publish books inspired by the guidance of Elijah.

We write and print unique books on the Aquarian Age. Each book gives a NEW and fresh perspective on how we can create Life in the Aquarian Principles. They give an insight in the CORE Purpose of Humanity and the Destiny of our planet....

All books have one common goal: to unify past, present and future. In this unification we can create a whole new future. 

What do we need to realize this?

NEW teachings

A teacher

Patience and Wisdom

Development of consciousness

Being willing to Awaken

Direction and Reflection

Eternal motion

Sun and moon

Fire, air, water and earth

History and background

In the Jewish tradition, one seat extra is placed around the table for the coming Messias, who is expected in the person of Elijah. Elijah is also known as John the Baptist in a previous life of him. Nowadays John the Baptist is spiritually seen as the Aquarian Deity. The lives of Elijah and Jesus are united in the consecutive ages. (Pisces and Aquarius)

What is the desire of Jesus and Elijah in relation to Human Being and Humanity? They both have given an impressive impulse to humanity and its future. This never stopped after their ascension.  Teachings, belief, Oneness with Father and with Nature makes them a Hopeful future. Understanding these teachings or lessons, this belief and Oneness with Father and Nature, has caused that we are, where we are as humanity.

Humanity today

The current moment and time is our start to continue. New teachings are given for this. It wasn't possible to give or receive these teachings before.

The books on this website are inspired by and for the motion of past, present and future. The development of human consciousness and the religions and perspectives within this consciousness, continues to develop. The entire universe is present within this development. We are creators ourselves and we are creation.

About us

Elijah's Seat is focused on printing books that carry the word and message of the Aquarian Age. 

Maria van Rooijen is the author of all books. She works in cooperation with Mhura de Hoog, an Aquarian Teacher and founder of Aquarian Lighthouse. Maria and Mhura are devoted to the same goal; to create ordered life on planet Terra and raise awareness on what it means to be Human.

The age of today, of Aquarius, is the age of HOPE. It is the age in which we can and may accomplish and fulfil the long awaited promise. This promise is alive in your heart.

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