ONE World, ONE language

May 28, 2022 by Maria van Rooijen

Our company is a Dutch company. We both are born in The Netherlands, raised in The Netherlands and we live happily in The Netherlands. Our team is Dutch as well. Why did we choose for an English website? And why are the books we publish in English?

Since I started writing, I write in the English language. I started writing in cooperation with Mhura. It is our wish and longing to reach the entire world. Our dream of the Aquarian Society, of Life in the Aquarian Principles and Humanity Expressing the Aquarian Promise, can be best spread when we use a language that is felt and understood by many on our planet. Our goal to touch humanity with words and their vibration, is best served when using English.

Wouldn't it be wonderful when we can express ONE World as humanity? When we would be able to understand each other and support each other? Despite culture differences or borders of all the nations. A dream of ONE World can be reality when we choose one language in which we can communicate, in which we can meet equally and truthfully. In our opinion the English language is a language at this moment that enables us as humanity to meet, to get to know each other. We believe in a world that can function as ONE. And therefore we believe in one language that can serve all.

Our choice to make a webiste in English, even though our English isn't perfect at all, is a choice to follow our dream. And to serve Life, Humanity and the World with giving our voice in a language that many will understand and hear. It is our wish to touch people all over the world with our message, teachings and our dream.

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