
October 11, 2022 by Maria van Rooijen

Mhura and I, together with the entire team here at Elijah's Seat, came home today from a trip to Iceland. It has been a wonderful trip, especially to meet the Elements of Nature. In Iceland the experience of Water, Air, Fire and Earth is different than when we are in the Netherlands. For us, when we are home. Every Element in Iceland feels more alive and is more powerful and more present. Which means it gives great opportunity to meet with the Elements of Nature and to get to know them.

Getting to know the Elements of Nature is needed. Because they are the building blocks that we use to create. They are the building blocks we use to create HOME. I mean this very litterally, when we build a house. But also when we create/build our body. Our body is our home, or at least this may be so. Our body may be the expression or form of our INNER Being and Wish, realising that we are home on planet Terra and IN ourselves.

What does home mean? What does it mean to be home? To me it means that I am connected with my CORE, with the innermost inner of myself. Living from this inner, makes me feel at home in the CORE of my existence. I can act from CORE in every act I choose to give. Which means writing, talking, parenting, managing, cleaning, etcetera. Every Act I give, can be an act from within and with this I create the outer circumstances and reality as a home for myself. And for all. Because when I express from CORE, I express from the CORE of every Human Being. We all Live from this CORE, from an inner Reality that is Active in us and with which we are connected.

It is up to us to connect consciously and aware to our CORE, to the reason for Being Human. It is possible to learn to connect and to explore this and expand this. The reason I write books, is to touch
consciousness and awareness so Humanity may learn and can realise that we are able to live from CORE. That we are living from a wish that lives IN us. IN this wish, I feel home. And from this wish I long to create the world, Life. A longing that I respond to everyday.

Iceland touched me in my Nature, in my CORE. Iceland awakened my consciousness to realise Nature in myself. The Nature of motion in me, the Nature of living from within. I (and we) have a lot to learn, but it is possible to learn to live from our INNER and to create a home for all while we express our innermost reality.

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