Our life continues in the daily activities. We walk, we meet to talk about the subjects that we realise are important to talk about, we go to the gym and take care of household and family. In the meanwhile I write, I make posts on socialmedia, we have meetings and we work. All the normal things in life. But in these normal activities there is always an Awareness of the fact that we give of ourselves to make Life MORE. We give of ourselves to make Consciousness expand and to raise Awareness in humanity. Why?
Because we realise that the Age of Aquarius is active now. And we choose to discover what it means to Live this Age and her Principles. We choose to make every day count in becoming aware, in being conscious about life itself and about ourselves. What do I add to life? What is the reason for being? Questions many people recognize. In finding answers on these questions, Consciousness expands and Life becomes MORE.
The fact that the Age is Aquarius now, is the MORE of Life. Because Life moves on. Life is in Motion. Entire Cosmos is Motion. We Live IN this Motion and our daily activities are present within this Motion, which makes Life MORE. We choose to consciously add to Life, to make her MORE. To make Future. To make Aquarius reality.
For 2 weeks we have been living in 2022. And how did we use our time? How did you use your time? The start of a NEW year is an Opportunity to change things. To change actions or behaviour, or a mindset. It is an Opportunity for growth, to discover more about Life. Every day we have time to discover, to explore, to ask questions. Do we use our days as an Opportunity? Can we see the concept of 'Time' as a gift? Or do we stress in all the things we need to do, in deadlines and promises.
The last two weeks we have been working on editing several books. We have used time to work on accomplishing these goals and we have used time to enjoy working together, as a team. We are grateful for the fact that we can function as a team, because we can support each other. We can help each other to keep our focus clear and straight. In times of sickness it is wonderful that another team member is able to keep the motion going. Time is given to us to enjoy living and working together. And to use it to learn.
While working together we share our thoughts and feelings. In meetings we always reflect upon ourselves and ask questions. Time is a tool to grow, if you choose so. We choose to grow together. In our interaction is growth and there are lessons to be learned by each and everyone of us. Practically, but also emotionally or mentally. We are blessed that we have the same goal as team, that we all choose to be honest towards ourselves and each other. Because this is the opportunity to grow and expand.
As a business we have a Vision. And while working, we apply the Vision in the time given to us. Because Living the Vision is the Opportunity that Time gives us. And Living the Vision, creates Life according to this Vision. So, we use Time to create, to expand, to welcome NEW and to materialise Word and Vision as daily life and actions. Only two weeks of 2022 have past, so we have plenty of Time for growth and expansion. We welcome Time! Will you welcome Time with us and seize the Opportunity of Life, of Time?
We choose to contribute to the expansion of consciousness all over the globe. We contribute to the raising of Awareness about Life and her changes, seen in the perspective of a NEW Age. We give our heart, mind and soul to this. Our daily work for Elijah's Seat involves much more than writing, editing, attending meetings or taking care of our social media accounts. The mainframe of our business is the fact that we choose to go within. We choose to be Aware ourselves and spend a lot of our time on meditations and conversations about Life, the world as she is today, humanity or the climate.
Every day we gather as a team to search within our thoughts and experiences to clarify Life by raising Awareness and expanding Consciousness. With the goal to bring change. In Life, in our world and society. Our goal is to touch people with our words. To bring a Vision for Life as it can be lived in the Aquarian Age.
Our Goal for 2022 is to spread this Vision for All of Life. By writing, by teaching. By truly daring to see our own actions and demanding a change within ourselves. Will you join us in our Vision? Together we create a Clear Path in 2022.
Every year we set a goal for the year ahead of us. We realise that a year is an opportunity for growth, for more understanding and for gaining wisdom. This is in business, at personal level and at a global level.
In the beginning of a NEW Year, I feel we need HOPE to continue our path, to motivate ourselves to have faith in a brighter world. As team of Elijah's Seat we work within a vision for the year 2022 and we realise this vision in the daily activities, such as emailing, administration work, writing, packing orders, attent meetings, etcetera.
Our wish for 2022 is to realise more freedom in how we apply our will in making choices, in creating our lives and the Life of all. This process needs some spiritual and bright input. Therefore we start the year with the 'Month of HOPE'. January will enlighten our path, our activities, to continue with both the practical and spiritual work. After all, we are part of creating Aquarius, a complete new way of living.
How can we create a new way of living when our qualities and mostly our WILL is imprisoned in old ways of thinking and acting? It is wrapped in structures of former generations and ideas. Our wish to create future, to make Life an Aquarian Expression, can only be fulfilled when our choices represent the Aquarian Principles. So, we will work on setting our WILL free. And with HOPE we are able to do so. Every day and every month again.
We will give of ourselves in every moment and in each day. To create Life of Aquarius, a HAPPY Life for All.
The year is almost ending and we realise that a new year ahead of us gives opportunities. We feel grateful to the year that has been. It is the year in which our company started. We have learned new things, we have had new insights in Life. I wrote new books and published many articles. In fact we created The Aquarian Circle. This is a communion of websites and of activities that go together. Besides writing books, I publish articles on ascendingall.com for example. And to receive more insight and to gain more understanding about Life, I and our team follow lessons at Aquarian Lighthouse. The wonderful thing here is that you can stay overnight, because there is a campingsite created for this purpose. This campingsite you find at grootbesselink.nl.
Four websites and activities, connected to function in creating Aquarius and to make Life Aquarian as the Communion possible in the Aquarian Age. We certainly enjoy the fact that we can function as a circle, in which our work and activities are so closely connected.
United we prepare for the year 2022. We see changes, opportunities and a way for growth and expansion. With this we mean growth of humanity and epxansion of consciousness and awareness. We will continue to follow our goal and we will give of ourselves to realise another year in which we serve life and life serves us. Let's welcome 2022!
Onze werkreis naar Griekenland zit er op. Wat een prachtig land en wat een mooie manier om geïnspireerd te worden door de oudheid en het geluk dat we van binnen ervaren, te verspreiden. De lockdown in Nederland begon toen wij in Griekenland waren, dus wij hebben geluk gehad. Na een week kwamen wij met nieuwe ervaringen en inzichten thuis. Deze inzichten worden verwerkt in een nieuw boek waar ik al mee bezig ben. Een boek over Genezing van de mensheid, voor de mensheid. Hierover volgt natuurlijk meer in volgende blogs.
De Nederlandse versie van het boekje 'Time is your friend' is helemaal klaar en er wordt inmiddels gewerkt aan het maken van een Nederlandse versie van nog een boek uit de nieuwe serie SUVA boekjes. SUVA staat voor Sacred University in Violet Action. Het is een serie die gegeven wordt door de Meesters. Elke Meester geeft een specifiek Detail en leert ons over dit Detail. Zodat wij ons vrij kunnen maken en verder groeien en rijzen als ras. Het is een vreugde om deze boeken te schrijven! Ontzettend leerzaam en liefdevol.
Nu de website online is, werk ik aan het realiseren van een ritme in mijn leven waarin werk en privé samenvloeien. De winter is een mooie tijd om in te keren en hierin een weg te vinden. Wij gaan ervoor!
Our trip to Greece has been a wonderful experience and it inspired and taught us many things from the Ancient Times. The Ancient Time is an inspiration. I apply the inspiration and insights by making a new book. This book is called Cure Humanity. I will keep you updated about the progress!
We have completed the Dutch version from the book 'Time is your friend'. And we are working on another book to make a Dutch version. These books are part of the SUVA Series. SUVA stands for Sacred University in Violet Action. Each book is given by a Master with a certain Detail and the words tell about this Detail. We can learn and Liberate our Mind and Heart through the teachings given in these books. It is a Joy to write them because the words given are loving and educational.
Now that our website is online, I am finding a rhythm in daily life to combine work and private time. Winter is a good season for integration and contemplation and finding a way in this. We certainly continue our path!
The last week has been a focus upon launching our beautiful website! We are grateful for our webdesigner Blauwe Nacht, who has made it possible that we show our faces to the world. Another thank you note is for our photographer, who has made colourful and wonderful pictures again. Thanks Christine van Rooijen Fotografie!
Besides working with these professionals, we have worked with our team to take steps into the Aquarian Age. Which means we walk, we talk, we integrate and we are honest about our structures and habits. To realise what can be changed in order to live Aquarius. Our goal with this website is to spread the teachings for this Age. With only one day to go before launching the site, we work on the last details to make a powerful start.
See you soon in our webshop!
Hi everyone and welcome to our new website. Since February 2021 we have been working both spiritually and physically to launche this website. At first we created our company at the Chamber of Commerce on the beautiful date 21-02-2021, February 21st in 2021. This date has been chosen because it is a mirror date. When we contacted an astrologist later we discovered that this date gave us and the company a good impulse from Cosmos! In our Vision to tell about the Age of Aquarius and to write and publish books about this Age, we see the growth of humanity in consciousness. It seems the birthdate of Elijah's Seat is a perfect one for realising this goal.
It has been our joy to work on setting up the company, to create accounts in social media and to think about what we wanted to show on our website. In the months from February to December we have learned a great deal about ourselves and about the world we live in. We have come to see more clear what our specific tasks are in this company and we have realised we function in a society that will soon see our faces and the face of Elijah's Seat. We do this because we have a Vision and we believe in the principles and details of the Aquarian Constellation. We believe this Constellation is an inspiration for many to take steps in changing how we function, how we set up society, how we live in this world.
We hope to inspire many with the words we publish. We hope to honour the name of Elijah while doing so.
This very month I am writing a new book about Communion and Community. November has 30 days to use for writing and to explore a NEW Detail and subject. It is always a Joy to connect to a Detail and to see what Inspiration is given in Words. The book that I am writing this month is inspired by Paul the Venetian and forms already the third book of a new series. This series will show the Detailed Reality of the Aquarian Age and makes it clear that Aquarius is the Age for Detailed Creation.
While working on this book I as well work on content before launching this website. The work done is also done in Community. With Mhura I see to it that the right content and message is given. Our webdesigner from Blauwe Nacht is always available for questions and changes. And with Esther and Christine added to the team of Elijah's Seat, I learn about making posts on Instagram and Facebook. Not only the writing is of importance, but also the photography. With these people we work as a team and you can say we function as a community in building this website. Each and everyone with its own Detail or expertise to make a beautiful website!
I learn from writing about Community that we meet Details in our daily life. But that Details are also present in Cosmos; in stars or planets. In Constellations! Which is why the Age of Aquarius is a NEW Age with a new gift to Humanity and our planet. One of these gifts is Community.
I am sure we will learn as humanity what this means and entails in our life, activities and creations.