Elijah's Seat is focused on printing books that carry the word and message of the Aquarian Age.
Maria van Rooijen is the author of all books. She works in cooperation with Mhura de Hoog, an Aquarian Teacher and founder of Aquarian Lighthouse. Maria and Mhura are devoted to the same goal; to create ordered life on planet Terra and raise awareness on what it means to be Human. The age of today, of Aquarius, is the age of HOPE. It is the age in which we can and may accomplish and fulfill the long awaited promise. This promise is alive in your heart.
As humanity we are more or less forced to:
This is how we create 'All is One and One is All' as the Ordered and Eternal Motion of our life on Earth in the Age of Aquarius. All details and wishes will blossom and grow in this motion. We do this with all of humanity. Inspired and guided by Elijah and Hope. Through their vision and preparation for this age we can transform matter and fulfill our destiny as humanity and our planet.
I know Mhura saw me when I was 8 years old, but I don't have a clear memory of that myself. For me, our story begins when I was 16, when I came to Mhura via my mother because I was depressed and Mhura had a practice in which I could perhaps be helped. I came to her and in a way never left. I recognized something in myself, through her, and realized that it was not crazy to live with questions and perceive things that many others did not perceive or experience. It was as coming home, but above all coming home to myself. I know that now.
I was still at school and regularly visited Mhura for a massage. These vistis expanded more and more. I learned to meditate, but also to clean. Mhura taught me to focus my attention inwards. And I always applied this lesson during my studies, my work, my relationship, etcetera. Always in daily life. This is the strength of the lessons Mhura teaches. And that's exactly what I was looking for; how do I live.
I come from a Christian background and am a god-loving person. That is why I feel at home in living with ascended masters or in the realization that I was born with an assignment. Above all, it is my wish to get to know this mission and, of course, to fulfill it. I got to know myself and still get to know myself through the lessons in a group. Through an open and honest interaction with others, I can grow and truly learn to express myself. This is liberating.
I initially expressed my longing for the origin of life in my education and work as a midwife. During my own first pregnancy I started to make a deeper contact with life and its Origin and I wrote my first inspired texts. It gave and still gives satisfaction and fulfillment, because I experience that I can express myself in writing. Giving a vision for the future, for life, is what moves me forward. And I myself often look full of wonder and admiration at the beautiful books and texts that have been created over the years. Because I have learned to center myself inside, I have started to hear life on a deeper level and I can represent this with words. In working and living together with Mhura and all others who are closely involved, I experience life more and more as a whole in which I function and what I serve.
I saw Maria when she was 8 years old and I was 24. Something in me was touched, that I knew we would meet again later. And indeed when she was 15, her mother referred her to me because of her depression. Immediately Maria also knew that we were destined to work together. Not as conscious as we know now, of course, but something hit that makes us still work and live together every day 27 years later, each with our own family. Maria did the education for obstetrics in Kerkrade and started a practice in my centre in De Meern. She stopped her practice when she herself was pregnant with Elin, her son who is now 12.
Since my search for the meaning of life, I immediately put into practice what I am learning. I share my knowledge and experience with groups of people. I started with massages, but that soon became courses and a practice at home. Ever since I was 22, I started searching pretty much day and night for the reason of my existence. With an awareness of: Even if it is my death, I will find. I was divorced at the time and a mother of two children, then 1 and 2 years old. Everything I felt, I brought to discussion with the people around me. Everything I understood, I taught about. Through everything I experienced inside, I gained insight into Life as a Whole. Slowly but surely a way revealed itself IN me and through me, giving people more and more confidence in a future and giving Hope because they felt heard through my search and finding answers.
Meanwhile, Maria joined the groups where she could and she also wanted to see her life questions answered and experienced. In 2009, not long after we became neighbors, Maria started writing inspired. We knew by now that we were being taught by what was then called the ascended masters. Both in our own way we tell or write about the past, present and future. How we can live, what our wishes are and how we can materialize the Spirit in the Age of Aquarius.
From this and the countless conversations with people come the lessons and the books that are written. Values of the Age of Aquarius are: Freedom, Community, Truth, Prosperity, Joy, Order, Justice and more. All values that we as humanity are going to create as Details in matter and as matter.
We are now a team of 12 women and 4 men, who work together and live together. All topics are covered from 'forbidden' private to worldly events. In the meantime, we moved to the beautiful Almen in the Achterhoek in 2016. Here Maria and I are neighbors again and the rest of the people have also found their place in the Achterhoek.
Maria and I have an assignment, a Mission, a desire, a vision that is still difficult to comprehend, let alone create. But we are hopeful and believe in an ordered, prosperous future for all of humanity. We have unimaginable, sublime lessons that often go beyond the current mindsets and believes, yet they gradually penetrate into the matter of our existence. I hope that you too understand these words and, like us, wish to fill your Life with the knowledge and love that is given to you in every lesson and in every booklet, that reveals who you are.
The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Matter and Spirit, we are representatives of that.