This book is a collection of writings from January, February and March 2018. It gives the Immaculate Vision for Human RACE to be able to rise in Awareness and Consciousness. Within this rising is the Opportuity to align and commune with the Aquarian Constellation. We are Inspired by this Constellation and we may Reveal the Aquarian Principles and Goals within our Creative Power and Wishes.
Creation itself is touched by the Principles of Aquarius and needs to hear the Immaculate Vision for Aquarius within Humanity, to be able to Live this and BE this. Human RACE is Aquarian RACE in Future.
Aquarian RACE is the fulfilment of Human and Nature United. Aquarian RACE is Awake in and Aligned with the Aquarian Principles, fully expressing and creating the Purpose of this Age.
To realise Human RACE in the Aquarian Purpose and Destiny and to manifest RACE as the Aquarian RACE, Human Being needs to rise in Awareness and Consciousness and needs to Unite. The Awakening of Detail by Detail in Human RACE is Awakening in Aquarian Creativity. The rising of Human RACE and the Awakeing of Human RACe to realise the revelation of Aquarian RACE, is what this book envisions. It gives the Immaculate Vision for Humanity in Words to Empower Future.
A5 format, 103 pages
Published in June 2018